
Tag Archives: value-builtins

Pascal Cuoq on 4 February 2014

Jesse Ruderman on assertions and fuzzing Jesse Ruderman has published a blog post on assertions and how they complement fuzzing. Key quote: “Fuzzers make things go wrong. Assertions make sure we find out.” Readers of this blog are accustomed to me talking about differential testing where a reference result (say...

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Technical interlude
Pascal Cuoq on 23 August 2012

The current series of posts is pretty technical, huh? Here is a refreshing diversion in the form of a technical post that also touches on existential questions. What is this blog for? We don't know. Best solutions, or solutions anyone could have found If you have been following the current...

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Results are in
Pascal Cuoq on 24 July 2012

A contest and a self-pitying lament John Regehr was organizing a craziest undefined behavior contest and the results are in. I had an entry in the contest but I did not win. My entry apparently was too obviously dangerous. As John puts it “I would have expected a modern C...

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free(): revisited already
Pascal Cuoq on 5 January 2012

If Frama-C doesn't work out, we can always make a comedy team Facetious colleagues ask me how I make Frama-C's value analysis' messages so informative. \Pascal " one of them says "in this case study the generated log contains 8GiB of information! It won't open in Emacs...". I helpfully point...

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Double free(), no such thing
Pascal Cuoq on 5 January 2012

I have been able to divert a few hours yesterday and today for programming. It was well worth it, as I have discovered a theorem. It is new to me, and I wonder whether it was ever published. The theorem is, a C program cannot double free() a block even...

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