
General tips for debugging preprocessing and parsing issues
André Maroneze on 18 September 2024

Motivated by some recent discussions concerning a hard-to-parse code base, this post presents a few techniques used by Frama-C developers to quickly understand and debug parsing-related errors. We are constantly improving parsing and error messages, so hopefully some of these tips will become unnecessary in the future. Origin of parsing...

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New machdep mechanism in Frama-C
André Maroneze on 29 January 2024

A machdep (for machine-dependent) in Frama-C is a set of architecture-specific configurations, which include: integer sizes, predefined macros, compiler type, standard library constants, etc. They are essential when analyzing embedded, non-portable code. Thanks to some C11 features, the machdep generation mechanism has been revised in Frama-C, allowing users to more...

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Cyberhackathon - Frama-C + Binsec - 28/04/23
André Maroneze on 27 March 2023

(This is an announcement for an event near Paris; first follows the French version, then an English version.) Si vous êtes près de Paris, venez au Cyber-hackathon Frama-C + Binsec, le 28/04 de 9h à 17h, au CEA List, dans le campus Paris-Saclay (Nano-Innov, 2 bd Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau)...

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