
Frama-C API - Populate_spec

This module is used to generate missing specifications. Options Kernel.GeneratedDefaultSpec, Kernel.GeneratedSpecMode and Kernel.GeneratedSpecCustom can be used to choose precisely which clause to generate in which case.

  • since 28.0-Nickel
type clause = [
  1. | `Exits
  2. | `Assigns
  3. | `Requires
  4. | `Allocates
  5. | `Terminates

Different types of clauses which can be generated via populate_funspec.

Represents exits clause in the sense of Cil_types.behavior.b_post_cond.

type t_assigns = Cil_types.assigns

Assigns clause

type t_allocates = Cil_types.allocation

Allocation clause

type t_requires = Cil_types.identified_predicate list

Represents requires clause in the sense of Cil_types.behavior.b_requires.

type t_terminates = Cil_types.identified_predicate option

Represents terminates clause in the sense of Cil_types.spec.spec_terminates.

Type of a function that, given a Kernel_function.t and a Cil_types.spec, returns a clause. Accepted clause types include t_exits, t_assigns, t_requires, t_allocates and t_terminates.

Alias for brevity, status emitted for properties.

val register : ?gen_exits:t_exits gen -> ?status_exits:status -> ?gen_assigns:t_assigns gen -> ?status_assigns:status -> ?gen_requires:t_requires gen -> ?gen_allocates:t_allocates gen -> ?status_allocates:status -> ?gen_terminates:t_terminates gen -> ?status_terminates:status -> string -> unit

register ?gen_exits ?gen_requires ?status_allocates ... name registers a new mode called name which can then be used for specification generation (see Kernel.GeneratedSpecMode and Kernel.GeneratedSpecCustom). All parameters except name are optional, meaning default action (mode Frama_C) will be performed if left unspecified (triggers a warning).

val populate_funspec : ?loc:Cil_types.location -> ?do_body:bool -> Cil_types.kernel_function -> clause list -> unit

populate_funspec ~loc ~do_body kf clauses generates missing specifications for kf according to selected clauses. loc is set to Kernel_function.get_location kf by default, and is used to specify warnings locations. By default do_body is false, meaning only specification of prototypes will be generated.