Frama-C-discuss mailing list archives

This page gathers the archives of the old Frama-C-discuss archives, that was hosted by Inria's gforge before its demise at the end of 2020. To search for mails newer than September 2020, please visit the page of the new mailing list on Renater.

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[Frama-c-discuss] examples

You can find examples either on the gallery

or in the Why sources in dir tests/c and frama-c-plugin/tests/jessie

I don't remember any file name "euklid.c". Given the k in the name, I
wonder if it could be find in the collection of examples made by people
at Franhofer First...

- Claude

Le 09/10/2013 19:14, Stephen Siegel a ?crit :
> I think in older releases of Frama-C there was a directory of nice simple examples (allZeroes.c, euklid.c, find.c, ...) that could be verified with Frama-C+Jessie.  Now I can't find them.   Are these examples somewhere?  Are there other places to look for similar example?
> Thanks,
> Steve
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> Frama-c-discuss mailing list
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Claude March?                          | tel: +33 1 72 92 59 69
INRIA Saclay - ?le-de-France           |
Universit? Paris-sud, Bat. 650         |
F-91405 ORSAY Cedex                    |