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[Frama-c-discuss] how jessie and why platform work to generate a .v output?

  • Subject: [Frama-c-discuss] how jessie and why platform work to generate a .v output?
  • From: x_cui at (Xiao-lei Cui)
  • Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2013 00:45:01 -0400

Hi all,
    I am trying to figure out the workflow from C source(plus embeddedACSL spec) to the .v file passed to proof assistant.
    I am using why2. Is the following workflow correct?
    C/ACSL -> (frama-c/jessie) 
                      -->filename.jc ->(jessie/why)

    I use simple program demo, max.c:
#define ZERO 0
int gFlag =0;
/*@ requires x>0; 
  @ ensures \result >= x && \result >= y && \result>ZERO; 
  @ ensures \result == x || \result == y; 
int max (int x, int y) 
  int zz=1;
  if (x>y) 
    return x;
  /*@ assert zz>0; 
  return y;

int main(void){
  return max(0,1);
>  frama-c -jessie -pp-annot max.c
I got max.why, which is over 300lines of code.
I then use why command to generate .v output for coq:
>  why --coq max.why
File "max.why", line 17, characters 29-35:
Unbound type 'tag_id'

   Did I miss something or some step?
   Thanks in advance.

xiaolei Cui



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