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[Frama-c-discuss] Problem with current_func


Le jeu. 21 avril 2011 12:50:42 CEST,
zakaria chihani <uaz11 at> a ?crit :

> We
>  don't understand why, but the execution outs a file with ensures \true 
> on every function (4 functions on the example), and an output that 
> suggests 5 ensure \true clauses (five UNEXPECTED).
> Out of the 4 functions, only 3 are meant to be processed, and the 
> expected pattern is indeed matched 3 times, and creates an ensure clause
>  with the correct cost (49,295 and 1813 : three EXPECTED)
Sorry, I forgot about bug 727 (
which is solved in svn, but not in the current release: in Carbon,
current_func is not properly set when inspecting a specification. You
can use self#current_kf instead (which gives you a
Db_types.kernel_function, in fact current_kf should be preferred over
current_func, as a kernel_function contains more information than a
fundec). Note however that current_kf is set also when you're visiting
the specification of a leaf function (prototype without corresponding
implementation). You can discriminate prototypes and definition with

For what it's worth, the patch against Carbon release that fixes issue
727 is included in this mail.

Best regards,
Virgile Prevosto
Ing?nieur-Chercheur, CEA, LIST
Laboratoire de S?ret? des Logiciels
+33/0 1 69 08 82 98
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